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Tuesday, September 25

Good morning people of the internet


It is Tuesday we got hitched on Sunday. So I have come up for air and thought I would blog in the situation. First of all every woman out there know this up front that during the ordeal (unless you be 18 and mommy and daddy are paying) you are going to at some point want to say Fuck all you people I am going to Vegas. This is normal and the result of hemorrhaging thousands of dollars at a time out of your pockets. It feels horrid….


Now to the good stuff.


OK the festivities actually started Saturday night with the rehearsal and the rehearsal dinner. The rehearsal went well except for the time overages fees we owe the church. But the dinner was awesome. We went to this Mediterranean place that had belly dancing. Great food and entertainment to take the stress off a little.


Then the day of. Dawn cracks and I role over to see that I am 2 hours late waking up. The I listen and no one else is up either Most of the wedding party stayed at my house. So I Start To PANIC. I got up screaming and yelling to Harold the arrival of BRIDZILLA squisher of egos and slapper of faces. The stress was unbelievable. People ask you stupid questions like, "do you know where the ring bearer's shirt is?" I am the freaken bride why would I know the answer to that. We have children handlers for that shit.


And this is the day where for faith that the human race is progressing as a species. People ask the same questions repeatedly and get on your last nerve and have the foolishness to tell you to calm down.  Lord I am amazed that the day went off without me having to kill anyone.


But it did and I looked great and it was wonderful


Then off to shake it at the reception. I only have one to two songs that I dance to. I love music I just have asthma so there isn't a whole lot of dancing going on with me. But I did the one good song with my new hubby and he was happy. After that it was time for the wedding night.


OK we originally were not going to go anywhere. Seeing as we have a little person who needs to get to school Monday morning. But we got the hey we have the school thing covered (thank the goddess for grandparents) and the hotel is waiting (thanks again to the best man, Sean you are a prince "that Charles's brother")….  Any hoo I just wanted to extol the virtues of hot tubs and silicone lube. Man it is like the stuff was invented for water. But that is as far as I am going to get into that at this second. Check back for further details.


Well now I am back at work so I guess I have to look like I am doing something besides blogging. Later people



Wednesday, September 12

2 for 2 this week

OK so this week started with a bang and it is just getting better. I had a chance to break out some serious toys last night. I tell you what I am not getting much sleep but the sex has been spectacular. There has got to be something said for nasty freaky sex every day for a while. I don't know if this is going to keep up but I am loving every minute of it while it is here.

And by the way chasing your girl around a room then spanking her after you catch her - Not the best way to say I am not in the mood. A+ for getting things started. OK time to take a nap at my desk while everyone else is at lunch.

Peace love and good sex to all


Tuesday, September 11

Sex so good I had to blog on it.

Hey there all you strangers.
OK sorry I have been kinda out of the loop on keeping this the up to date. Well lets get  into why.
OK school has kicked in and Charles has a little-little girl in elementary school so as the almost Step mommy it is up to me to outfit things like bras and feminine lecture talk and things like that. I think I did more research on how to tell a little girl about "becoming a lady" then I did on my senior thesis in college. Well it is done we now just wait on it all.. but in the mean time I shall catch you all up on how things have been going. The wedding is creeping around the corner and I don't know I think that coupled with all this wine tasting for the reception is giving me great nights people. Thank the Goddess for sound proof walls. Before these were discovered how the hell did parents have good sex in the house. I think it just all stopped when the kids came home. But I am pleased to report that sound proofing is wonderful stuff. Because if we didn't wake the block lat night that stuff was doing its damn job. We had a wind tasting Monday night to finalize the wine / champagne list for the reception. Wow get a little alcohol into him and he will just keep going and going. so 4 hours 4 condoms and a filled SD card later exhausted and sweaty, sated and oddly fixated on his member I went to sleep this morning around 1am only to awaken at 515, That would be the time I should leave the house and I was just jumping out of my bed. Well easing out. We overdid a couple of those positions. But I have a happy set of throbbing tingles between my legs today and a stupid smile on my face.

Now if I can pull this behavior back to once maybe twice a week then I would be OK. But Charles seams to think it is a every other day kind of thing; Now there's the exhausting part. i am so happy and so tired. I have no balance to it all. I think I should start a nice vitamin regiment or something so I can keep up. I tell you what. ALL the ladies out there and most of the men - Heed my warning, if you give your partner a weekend of all about them sex it will blow their sex drive out of proportion, but you have to continue to give them what they want while getting what you want. Well then I guess if you both can be into the same kink it is a plus. But you never know unless you try.

I wish great sex and restful sleep to all
It is going to be a great Tuesday

Wednesday, September 5

People and their crap

I am so tired of people attempting to put their shit and issues off on me. If I have to hear one more time, "girl you should" I am going to kill some chicks I know. Why the hell do they think they can sling out advice about your relationship when they haven't been able to hold down a man since putting out was all the boys wanted. Well I tell you this. I didn't put out then and I am not going to go with the stupid ideas of these fool ass women now.

I am in a long term relationship which is about to become a marriage. Thank you. Thank you. But what most of these over thirty single "I have to have it all my way" fools don't realize is that this kind of thing takes time and commitment, sacrifice and forward movement in the life path the two of you have chosen TOGETHER.... Not one person calling all the shots and expecting the other to jump.

That kind of stupid thinking will get you to forty and single. Give and take is what it is all about and once they all get to experience real honest love and not just what is going on between their legs then they might understand. But until then I will leave them to their broke-ass playa boy friends and friends with benefits. Not to Down all my playas out there and lord knows I have loved some friends with benefits but damn I think it is time for us all to grow the hell up and realize that sometimes everyone has to pitch in and get life taken care of no matter what.

SO QUIT YER BITCHEN. and move on
