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Wednesday, August 31
Found this on another blog and I am loving it (thanks mary & greg)
I need = I want
We need = I want
It's your decision = The correct decision should be obvious by now
Do whatever you want = You are going to pay for this later
We need to talk = I need to complain
Sure...go ahead = I don't want you to
I'm not upset = Of course I'm upset, you moron!
You're so manly = You need a shave and you sweat a lot
You're certainly attentive tonight = Is sex all you ever think about?
I'm not emotional! And I'm not overreacting! = I have a severe case of PMS
Be romantic, turn out the lights = I have flabby thighs
This kitchen is so inconvenient = I want a new house
I want new curtains = I want new curtains, new carpeting, new furniture, new wallpaper...
I need new shoes = the other 40 pairs are simply the wrong shade
I heard a noise = I noticed you were almost asleep
Do you love me? = I'm going to ask for something expensive
How much do you love me? = I did something today you're really going to hate
I'll be ready in a minute = Kick off your shoes and find a good game on T.V.
Is my butt fat? = Tell me I'm beautiful
You have to learn to communicate = Just agree with me
Are you listening to me? = Too late, you're dead
Yes = No
No = No
Maybe = No
Let me think about it = No
I'm sorry = You'll be sorry
I was wrong = Not as wrong as you
Do you like this recipe? = It's easy to fix, so you'd better get used to it
Was that the baby? = Why don't you get out of bed and walk him until he goes to sleep
I'm not yelling! = Of course I'm yelling, this is important
Monday, August 29
Amazon has caught
Lovin the C
Thursday, August 25
Oh the Pain
Tuesday, August 16
New job
Wednesday, August 10
OK this was going to be a huge long bitch fest about exes and the need for them to quit wobbling my sphere of existence. But you know what I can't spare to brain power at the moment. I am so tired. In the past week and a half preparing for this new job, I have gotten even less sleep than usual. I have spent close to $500 on things I have wanted to have for a while but didn't think I needed them badly enough. Well let me tell you; It felt good. Now I have multiple packages on their way to my home with my supplies in them. Quite a while ago I decided to start doing body wraps to keep my skin and body in "shape" so to speak while I am losing all this damn weight. Now I looked into it and it cost like 120 and up to get them done in a salon, AND you should get them every week. So I decided to take my money and get all the things I needed to do them at home. Well with everything it cost like 260 for 4 people to get the sauna suits, bandages for wrapping, herbs, oils, dry clay powder, and a bandage winder cause I am kind of lazy when it comes to mind numbing tasks. So that comes to what $65 per person. Now that is a great deal. 65 and we have enough supplies to do like 8 to 12 wraps a piece depending on if we are doing full or partial. Now how in the world do salons get off charging like they do with any form of conscience?
So then I though well would be nice to have a paraffin spa at home too, so off I went to EBay. Now let me just say that I didn't want one of those cheap ass walmart looking home models, I wanted a salon workhorse with a sanitization cycle (I've got a bit of a germ problem I HATE THEM) Well perfection found me a fifty pound capacity spa paraffin bath in great condition. It is so big I can do both my feet at the same time. Hell it is so bit I can do both C's feet at the same time. That is the coolest part it is like 25x14x10. Now that did cost me a pretty penny right below 100 but it is a 1 year old $3,000 model in great condition. So I said, "Oh, Hell yes!"
Now previous to this I had been spending $60 at the salon to get my hands dipped with a manicure and pedicure, I never got my feet dipped cause it would have cost another 30 on top of that. I used to go every week. Now I know how to give a manni and peddi, so that’s 60 bucks back in my pocket. And I know how to do wraps and make all the solutions necessary for a fraction of the cost, that’s 120 that never leaves. So I think I will be saving about $720 a moth with a $400 start up cost and about $25 a month after that in supplies and about $16 a year to replace worn-out wraps. Yes I love saving myself shit-loads of money. I even found out that you can use candle paraffin in the spa and it is jackin cheaper than "spa" paraffin, which by the way is regular 120 - 125 degree melt paraffin with essential oils and fragrance and some times even color in it. Well kiss my grits, I can put grapeseed oil in it myself and move on up. AND some/most professional spas heat their wax just a few degrees warmer than the home varieties of spas giving you better therapy.
So I am all ready for weekly wax dips and body wraps and now I have to sit and wait for everything to show up at my house. Waiting is so harsh. I want to just have it all now. Oh well I guess I shall work on that meditation thing while I wait for all my spa gear. Ya me
Isn’t it so easy to keep me happy.
Thursday, August 4
Mobile ICE - In Case of Emergency - Good advice from a great friend of mine
A campaign encouraging people to enter an emergency contact
number in
mobile phone's memory under the heading ICE (In Case of
Emergency), has
rapidly spread throughout the world as a particular consequence
of last
week's terrorist attacks in London.
Originally established as a nation-wide campaign in the UK, ICE
paramedics or police to be able to contact a designated relative
next-of-kin in an emergency situation.
The idea is the brainchild of East Anglian Ambulance Service
Bob Brotchie and was launched in May this year. Bob, 41, who has
been a
paramedic for 13 years, said: "I was reflecting on some of the
calls I've
attended at the roadside where I had to look through the mobile
contacts struggling for information on a shocked or injured
everyone carries a mobile phone now, and with ICE we'd know
immediately who
to contact and what number to ring. The person may even know of
medical history."
By adopting the ICE advice, your mobile will help the rescue
quickly contact a friend or relative - which could be vital in a
life or
death situation. It only takes a few seconds to do, and it could
help save your life. Why not put ICE in your phone now? Simply
select a
new contact in your phone book, enter the word 'ICE' and the
number of the
person you wish to be contacted. For more than one Next of Kin
If you think this is a good idea please pass it on to everyone
in your
address book get your family and friends involved. It is Easy,
and could save your
life, or at least let you family know whats going on.
Wednesday, August 3
Not only dead but mutilated in the process
I’m talking about chivalry here. I take the train and then the Metro to work every day and I see it. Men literally pushing women out of their way for a seat. Now I know that it sucks to stand I have had to do it lots of time but when a pregnant woman is standing on the train something is wrong with you fucking assholes. I am at the back of the car, this pregnant woman gets on (probably about 8 ½ months along) there is nothing but men at the front of the car, like it was a test from the gods. THEY FAILED. A woman half way back in the car got up to offer this woman her seat; and get this shit some guy tried to take her seat. WHAT THE FUCK.
The Metro is no better; this is the place where a woman may be pushed into the Metro car if she is not moving fast enough for some thousand dollar suit wearing jackass who just won’t be inconvenienced the minute that it takes for the next train to come along. And that is not an exaggeration trains run every minute on this line it is the heaviest traveled in the city. Picture this small woman gets on the train in the mob and there is nowhere for her to go so she stops. The man behind her literally pushes her ahead into other people already crammed into the car. She doesn’t say anything just takes it so he pushes her again; she nearly falls into someone’s lap. A different woman turns around to confront this asshole who is now just inside the door as they are closing. This prick proceeds to call these women names and piss off the mostly all female passengers at this end of the car. Now after some choice words by a few of the females closest to him he decides to shut his chauvinistic pathetic little mouth. What was he thinking this woman he was pushing was at least half his size? And there was s sista over there who was about to kick this man’s ass all over.
These are just two incidences. It would take me a lot longer to field out all the despicable things I have seen on the train and Metro. Pushing of old people, hell one guy actually pushed a little girl out of his way with his briefcase. It goes on and gets worse. Why has our society fallen to the state where men have no respect for their fellow person, and most definitely have no respect for the women around them.
In my 4 months of this long ass commute I did however see one shining example of what is all supposed to be about. It was late evening and the train was of course crowded. An old woman got on the train caring a cane and she walks past a few people and this Black guy probably in his late teens to early twenties jumps out of his seat as soon as he sees her and actually helps her into the seat. I felt like going over to him and hugging the shit out of him. That is what it has come to kindness is not so few and far between that I feel the need to reward it in some way. So I gave the blind homeless man who panhandles outside the station all the money in my pockets. It made me feel good and maybe someone saw and did a nice thing of their own. Maybe that is what is happening. Courtesies and nice things are getting swept under the rug; no one sees them so no one feels that anyone else gives a crap.
Chivalry, so maybe it isn’t dead but it is limping a bit now before it gets any worse we all need to do something about it.
Monday, August 1
OK thats life
OK so it has been a while. Lets just say I would rather have been have the kind of time that frustrates me with it's boredom that some of the things that I have been forced to go through.
On the super side. I have had my first birthday back with C it was great. He just my have a little genie in is pocket looking out for him. Took me on a shopping spree, he did. Got the hottest pair of jeans; but that’s not the point. The point is that is the perfect gift for a shopaholic. Plus I still got gifts that he picked out. OK maybe I am a little spoiled. I even get a foot rub while out shopping. Let me tell you that says love right there just stop in the middle of the damn store to rub my feet. HELLS YEAH. I think the man should writ a fracken book on how to date the high maintenance woman, cause he has this shite down pat. AND I got a new JOB yeah I am out of here my friends no more of this crap. Now lets just hope that there isn’t deeper steamier crap at the new place.
On the good side. I am a year older and hella lighter. Losing weight is awesome but that whole growing older thing is the not so super part. It reminds me of how much time I have wasted and lost with C when I left to be stupid. So I am now back and I am not going to be letting the moments slip away. Not this time. And for anyone listening you need to get out there and be happy in your relationship. Life, job, friend situations, even family situation may suck the soul right out of you and make you miserable. But you mate should be the sun in your universe. Should make you happy beyond all reason just by breathing. Make you ecstatic just by the little things. AND if you are in a relationship that is killing you slowly or not so slowly you need to bite the rope and get the hell out. I know it is hard believe me on that one, it can bankrupt you financially and emotionally but Know that there is better on the other side.
And on the not so good side. My DVD/VCR combo died I don’t even know what happen I was not home when it was being viewed without permission and defiantly would not have gotten it if they had asked. Let me just say if you go out to buy a TV and the big ass one is on sale into your price range just get the smaller one and go buy some shoes with the left over duckets. I have had the hardest time keeping people the hell out of my room. They want to watch TV on it cause it is “nice” what the frack I am the one who bought the damn thing and it is in my private room for shits sake. This isn’t college and we aren’t stupid teens. W is 30 and he can’t grow up. Has kids and I come home to all their shit in my room. Toys clothes trash. I mean if you know you are not supposed to be somewhere wouldn’t you clean it the fuck up so no one knew you where there. Though there is no chance of that some how the killed it. How do you kill an electronic piece of equipment. I mean shit I just got it like 2 months ago. I am about ready to move, though I didn’t when all this started cause he was supposed to be moving. Almost 3 weeks ago they were supposed to be gone. What the hell you gonna do with family.
Well all in all a decent couple of weeks. I had a load of fun and you know what else we were up to. But that is always a given with me and C
Well thats it for now blog. Later