OK so it has been a while. Lets just say I would rather have been have the kind of time that frustrates me with it's boredom that some of the things that I have been forced to go through.
On the super side. I have had my first birthday back with C it was great. He just my have a little genie in is pocket looking out for him. Took me on a shopping spree, he did. Got the hottest pair of jeans; but that’s not the point. The point is that is the perfect gift for a shopaholic. Plus I still got gifts that he picked out. OK maybe I am a little spoiled. I even get a foot rub while out shopping. Let me tell you that says love right there just stop in the middle of the damn store to rub my feet. HELLS YEAH. I think the man should writ a fracken book on how to date the high maintenance woman, cause he has this shite down pat. AND I got a new JOB yeah I am out of here my friends no more of this crap. Now lets just hope that there isn’t deeper steamier crap at the new place.
On the good side. I am a year older and hella lighter. Losing weight is awesome but that whole growing older thing is the not so super part. It reminds me of how much time I have wasted and lost with C when I left to be stupid. So I am now back and I am not going to be letting the moments slip away. Not this time. And for anyone listening you need to get out there and be happy in your relationship. Life, job, friend situations, even family situation may suck the soul right out of you and make you miserable. But you mate should be the sun in your universe. Should make you happy beyond all reason just by breathing. Make you ecstatic just by the little things. AND if you are in a relationship that is killing you slowly or not so slowly you need to bite the rope and get the hell out. I know it is hard believe me on that one, it can bankrupt you financially and emotionally but Know that there is better on the other side.
And on the not so good side. My DVD/VCR combo died I don’t even know what happen I was not home when it was being viewed without permission and defiantly would not have gotten it if they had asked. Let me just say if you go out to buy a TV and the big ass one is on sale into your price range just get the smaller one and go buy some shoes with the left over duckets. I have had the hardest time keeping people the hell out of my room. They want to watch TV on it cause it is “nice” what the frack I am the one who bought the damn thing and it is in my private room for shits sake. This isn’t college and we aren’t stupid teens. W is 30 and he can’t grow up. Has kids and I come home to all their shit in my room. Toys clothes trash. I mean if you know you are not supposed to be somewhere wouldn’t you clean it the fuck up so no one knew you where there. Though there is no chance of that some how the killed it. How do you kill an electronic piece of equipment. I mean shit I just got it like 2 months ago. I am about ready to move, though I didn’t when all this started cause he was supposed to be moving. Almost 3 weeks ago they were supposed to be gone. What the hell you gonna do with family.
Well all in all a decent couple of weeks. I had a load of fun and you know what else we were up to. But that is always a given with me and C
Well thats it for now blog. Later
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