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Monday, October 10

Starbucks Green Tea Frappuccino

I awake today to find that the wonderful Green Tea Frapp is no more. I am distraught at this because it gave me great solice at the end of a hot daunting day, long at work.  But I arrived this morning to the news that it will never be served again. The wonderful Tazo® Green Tea Frappuccino has been discontinued. It was wonderful in it's refreshingly un-coffeeness. I am torn in all things today as I have been told that my occasional indulgence is no more. I am outraged and saddened by this revelation. I morn today for its green cool succor at the end of this a long and tiring day.
More to come on my search for the Recipe to bring this cool concoction to my home.

1 comment:

Mishawn said...

You know I can't really say for LA but here in the DC area they are a thing of the past. And missed.