Sep 24th, 2008
Well it was a year
Well last night was our first anniversary. I got NOTHING, no card, no gift, no flowers, no happy anniversary kiss in the morning. I did get a happy anniversary just before bed. WHAT THE HELL HAPPENED. I don't feel very appreciated today needless to say. so kiss my ass if I am not a fucking ray of sunshine.
Sep 19th, 2008
TIme to throw out the 20s
Got dressed today and because of the pants too damn big situation yesterday I decided to try on some pants I havn't been able to wear in a long time. Guess what they fit, Not even tight cutting off the circulation but they fit. Pulled them up buttoned and comfortable. so this weekend it is out with the size 20s and in with the 18s. Its going to be a great weekend.
Sep 15th, 2008
Why is it that it seams that some people are not happy unless they are screwing something up for other people? What the hell is up with that?
I don't feel good today. Feel alone lonely and like I might never be happy again, where is that dementor and can I kill it. I guess it would be best if we could blame out shitty moods on creatures of darkness. But alas no such luck. I do not want to go back on the medication cause my family makes me hate myself my life and all of them. and my job likes to pitch in to tell me how worthless I am not the existence of anything. freaken yeah. So poor pissed lonely unhappy broke pathetic lack luster un-achieving deadend lost
Sep 3rd, 2008
First day of school
I mean YEAH FIRST DAY OF SCHOOL. I don't have to hear "Im bored" and have no defense for the next 9 months. WOO HOOOO Now I can say go get your ______ project or ______ book you need to get read, or _____ work for that class. I never thought I would look forward to the beginning of school. but summer vacation to poor parents is just another reminder of what you can't do for your family because the national income has ballooned to where you can't have kids without 2 large incomes. We are neglecting our youth and blaming parents when their kids do illegal shit. Well guess what if all they see are people who don't really care about them IE day care, sacc programs, YMCA programs, What the hell do people expect.
To day is mon day
I am here it seams to be shaping up to be a good day. if not so what. then tomorrow will be better
Here we are
Sitting on a Tuesday wondering why the hell I come in here every fucking day. But then I remember fuck I need food and roof over my head and all that shit I didn't need as a reckless teen. I miss no obligations. don't get me wrong I love my family but shit sometimes I wish I could pack up my car and just drive off.
It'll pass.... I hope
Oh why isn't it Friday
Would be nice but it is just Thursday. People are complaining and slacking off and I am working my ass off. Not at all a situation that I like. But I get my shit done no matter what. OK back to the grind just needed a second.
Well it is Tuesday and I am at work again. Man do we really need to do this 5 days a week. I think I could get the same amount done in 4 - 10 hour days. but nnnooo my company has to suck. Well I am here and feeling kinda good today i just put on a skirt this morning out the closet and it is too big. I wore it anyways cause I couldn't find another black skirt of the right material and length so here I am with my skirt spinning and I don't care I am shrinking finally. YA diet and exercise!!
Aug 1st, 2008
I am so sick of these people. I need out. I stuck it out in college and got a double major to go to work right at the beginning of the shrub years... no good pay, worse job moral, and even worse commute. Now I am still her 3 years later FUCK in 10 days it will be 3 years, 3 long hard tiring years. MAN I need out.
I am older and maybe a little wiser. At work before the sun and thinking about the weekend already.
Today is My BIRTHDAY!!
OK today is my Birthday and last night I started my new work out regiment. So I think I am doing good. Now if I can just keep all the bad thoughts and negativity of the world away from me I might be able to keep it up...
Live it Like it Love it
My mood: extremely feisty
Posted by KaysFun at 10:29 on Jul 29th, 2008 (updated Jul 29th, 2008) |
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