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Monday, July 18


That's all hope is. Its the promise that lays out in front of you. Your mind begins to make plans and dream of "how it could be". then it all fails and you are cheated out of it all. Usually with little to no warning.  Your mind is ripped out of the thought that anything is going to be fine. There is really no use to keeping up the charade. living without hope is just easier. I don't need fantastic men showing up just to slap me in the face with the "you aren't good enough". when what they mean is. you are fine to wet my dick but you aren't good enough for me to care. And the next bitch who say "when you are pretty its easy" I am going to fuck that bitch up. You know what being pretty has got me. I been used as a trophy. chased for conquest and left cause "you're not the kind for a relationship" apparently women think pretty women have all the men and all the men think pretty woman are going to fuck their friends. I feel lost and really wish I had stuck with my usual and kept waiting for the other shoe to drop. When you are waiting for it it hurts a little less... .... ... a little. But when you give in and start to believe the hype and buy into the shit that's when they get you really good. Then you find yourself sitting in bed in the dark wasting a Sunday on bad movies and a huge bag of chips. I will be fine but I will never again buy into the shit. Not as long as I live breath. There really is no reason to even believe any man's hype at this age. 

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