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Friday, May 19


I am trapped.
Held hostage by the choices of my life.
I want to be a potter. To create great things out of ceramics and porcelain. But I am stuck in a dead end job behind a computer that is giving me Repetitive Stress Disorder so that I will not even be able to enjoy pottery when I retire. I will be crippled from the use of crappy non-ergonomic keyboards and mouse for mu professional career.

Saturday, May 13

Just a little truth for the ladies I located out there

Why Geeks and Nerds Are Worth It...

In the wide world of dating, there are many options. Do you go for the flashy guy with the smooth smile, or the dude in the corner typing away on his laptop? The following are reasons why I think my fellow females should pay more attention to the quiet geeks and nerds, and less attention to the flashy boys.

1.) While geeks and nerds may be awkward, they’re well-meaning 9 out of 10 times. That smooth dude with the sly grin and the spider hands? Wonder what HIS intentions are... plus, I’ve never had a geek guy not call me when he said he would. Score major points THERE.

2.) They’re useful. In this tech-savvy world, it’s great to have a b/f who can make your laptop, desktop, and just about anything else that plugs into a wall behave itself.

3.) They’re more romantic than they’re given credit for. Ok true, their idea of romance might be to make up a spiffy web-page with all the reasons why they love you, with links to pics of you and sonnets and such... but hey. It lasts longer than flowers, plus you can show your friends.

4.) Due to their neglected status, there are plenty to choose from. You like ‘em tall and slender? There are plenty of geeks/nerds who are. You like ‘em smaller with more meat on their bones? Got that too.

5.) They’ve got brains. Come on now, how can intelligence be a bad thing?

6.) Most are quite good at remembering dates. Like birthdates and such, especially if they know it’ll make you happy. Due again to their neglected status, they’re more attentive than guys who “have more options”. Plus, with all that down time without a steady girlfriend, they’ll likely have mental lists of all the things they’d love to do once they GOT a girlfriend.

7.) Sex. Yep. Sex. I’m not really familiar with this myself, but I’ve friends who’ve been intimate with geek guys and it’s raves all around. They say a virgin wrote the Kama Sutra... all that time thinking about sex, imagining sex, dreaming about sex, (they are male after all) coupled with a desire to make you happy? Use your imagination.

8.) They’re relatively low-maintenance. Most can be fueled on pizza, Twinkies and Mt Dew. No complicated dinners needed here, so if you’re not the best cook, eh. Can you order a pizza?

9.) Most frequent bars as often as slugs frequent salt mines. You won’t have to worry much about your geek guy getting his “groove” on with club hotties because, frankly, he’ll be too busy rooting around under his computer wondering where that spare cable went. You won’t have to worry about him flirting with other women because, 9 out of 10 times, he’ll zip right by them in a perfect b-line towards the nearest electronics store. I’ve seen this happen.
Me: “Eww. Victoria Secret’s Models... They’re so skinny. How is that feminine? You can see her ribs!”
Geek Guy: “ooooooo...”
Me: “Hey!” *notices he is staring lustfully towards the computer store*
Geek Guy: “What?”
Me: “Never mind...”

10.) Although he may not want to go to every outing with you, you can arrange swaps, as in, you’ll go to his Gamer Con dressed as an elf princess if he’ll take you to the ballet. Plus, if he doesn’t want to go someplace with you, you won’t have to worry much about what he’s up to. You’ll probably come home to find him asleep on his keyboard in a sea of Mt. Dew cans with code blinking from the screen. It’s ok. He’s used to this. Just toss a blanket over him and turn out the light.

11.) His friends aren’t jerks. I can’t stress this enough. You’ll more likely get “Omg! A GIRL!! Can I see?!” than “Hey hot stuff back that ass up here and let me get some grub on...” They’re awkward geeks too and will, 9 times out of 10, treat you with the utmost respect and, more than likely, a note of awe. A cute girl picked one of their clan to date? It could happen to them! Hope! Drag some of your single girlfriends over, open up a pack of Mt. Dew, crack open the DnD set and get working. Nothing impresses geek guys more than a girl who can hack-n-slash (well ok maybe if she can code... a geek can dream).

12.) They’re rarely if ever possessive. They trust you, so you can be yourself around them. You like to walk around the house in a ratty t-shirt for comfort? He won’t care. He does too! They won’t get pissy if you don’t wear make-up or don’t want to bother primping your hair. If you gain a few pounds, they won’t try their best to make you feel like crap.

13.) They’re usually very well educated. Physics majors and the like. See #5. You won’t have to listen to him blathering on about his car (ok maybe a little), he’ll have loads of other interesting things to talk about. Politics, world events, how much the chicken burgers down at the local place rock, so long as you douse them in hot sauce...

14.) You’ll almost never have to hear, “Yaw dawg whazzap!!” plop out of their mouths. Unless it’s in jest. They spell properly, use correct punctuation, and are able to tell the difference between the toilet and the floor. They almost never get “wasted”, so you won’t have to worry about coming home to find him and his friends passed out on the floor amidst a pile of beer bottles. Mt. Dew cans, perhaps...

15.) And the final reason why geeks and nerds make great boyfriends: They actually give a damn about you. Not how you look (though that’s a plus), not how skinny you are, not how much make-up you primp yourself up with, but they like you for you. That kind of thing lasts longer than “DaMN baby you got a fine ass!!!” Believe me.

Wednesday, May 10

CHANGE not always bad

OK huge Life changes to be dealt with. I now have a child. OK not mine just attached to my life. My Charles has a daughter, Anne, who he now has full custody of. OK so now I am weekday mom. Until they get visitation thing settled I am mom for now. OK so I am trying to teach the child things that to me she should have learned a hell of a long time ago. Frustrating as hell but necessary if she is to function as an adult.


BUT the great thing is I haves me a little girl to have fun with. SO SHOPPING TIME has in sued. I have got all kinds of stuff. Now I know a lot of kids are not into some stuff but I went and got sewing stuff. Knitting stuff, cross-stitch, even some appliqué stuff. The only thing she likes is things that glitter. This is the Bling-Blinginest little white girl I have ever met. Not at all a bad thing. I pretty much went with things I likes that that I liked at that age and it is a hole lot of fun to be planning a trip back to childhood. You know just the planning of all this has done wonders for my attitude. I am a pissy depressed person who doesn't like upset, but you know what this has gone extremely well. Though it has made some serious concerns surface.


What do parents do with their "Adult toys"…. Especially when they look like everyday items. IE exercise balls. I didn't know that kids loved the damn things so much. And I am like HOLY SHIT… Gotta hide everything. But I guess the everyday crap is not that much of a problem. I am just dreading her getting old enough to be curious about the locked things but that is a blog for another day.


Right now I am having a ball. We are going to learn to cross-stitch this weekend.


Ya handy craft.



Tuesday, May 9

Invisible Neighbor

Today there is a problem. We can all see the problems. We all overlook them and move on in your days expecting someone else to deal with the problem. SEP blindness. Someone Else's Problem. That is part of the problem. There was a time that children didn't disappear off the streets in droves, and no one has seen a thing. Evil doers used to be afraid to come into a neighborhood for fear that they would be seen as an outsider, someone who dose not belong. Now however most of us don't even know our neighbor. Hell I couldn't recognize my next-door neighbor if I say them at the grocer.  


It is a spreading difficulty. When I was a child we had "Block Parties" and Community center pools and recreation centers. Now they build these huge ass neighborhoods without even a pool for the kids or a playground.
Well we all need to go out and meet our neighbors this weekend. I am going to bake a cake for the new people and see if we can't get to know some new people.

Monday, May 1


OK at a store they are called "Stability/Exercise Ball" or some such thing. Now these are not expensive. Also on the market is the "Love Ball". Expensive as and the only added bonus is a position chart.
I thought to myself that all I need do is purchase the largest workout ball I could find and PRESTO. Good times to be had by all.
Now let me just tell you that this is the best $10 I have spent for like a shit load of a time. So I went back and got a spare.
You can do some things on these balls that are FANTASTIC
OK Like
the ball is 75cm
it compresses as you support your weight on it.
Charles is very tall so if I sit on it he can kneel or balance for  a higher angle.
I can straddle him for SERIOUS clitoral stimulation.
I am still working out the particulars.
ALL ladies out there need to go to their local wal-mart, "five or less", or whatever you have that you can get one. Spend the cash and experiment, have a screaming good time.
Now Charles and I have great sex on average. but this was that creaming back scaring disturbing the peace banging, haven't seen you in forever fucking.
Oh My GOD yes it was spectacular.
This is going to be something that I am going to enjoy exploring for it's funness. AND I want to attempt using multiple balls in different sizes.
Oh yeah entertainment for WEEKS.
Gotta go get some coffee. Y'all know I am not sleeping much.

Wednesday, March 29

Ladies and gentalman this is the man we should all be looking for

Find a guy who

calls you beautiful instead of hot,

calls you back when you hang up on him,

will stay awake just to watch you sleep.

kisses your forehead,

wants to show you off to the world when you are in your sweats,

holds your hand in front of his friends,

is constantly reminding you of how much he cares about you and how lucky he is to have you.

turns to his friends and says, "...that's her/him.", with a smile.
Now if we would all track down this man and clone him...
Just kidding. I got this in an email from a good friend and it made me realise how good I have it with Charles. I love him and he is damn near worthy of that love. If I could just get him to stop snoring. lol just kidding love you are perfect.

Sunday, March 19

Can you raed tihs? Olny 54 % of the plepoe can.

i cdnuolt blveiee taht I cluod aulaclty uesdnatnrd wa ht I was rdanieg. The phaonmneal pweor of the hmuan mnid, aoccdrnig to a rscheearch at Cmabrigde Uinervtisy, it dseno't mtaetr in waht oerdr the ltteres in a wrod are, the olny iproamtnt tihng is taht the frsit and lsat ltteer be in the rghit pclae. The rset can be a taotl mses and you can sitll raed it whotuit a pboerlm. Tihs is bcuseae the huamn mnid deos not raed ervey lteter by istlef, but the wrod as a wlohe. Azanmig huh? yaeh and I awlyas tghuhot slpeling was ipmorantt! if you can raed tihs forwrad it.

Thursday, March 16

The Hell of Death is that we have to live through it

I come from a close knit large family. I grew up with my cousins. I have 4 close female first cousins. I do have more than that, about... crap I can't remember them all, but we 5 grew up together. All being roughly the same age. I just found out that the next to the oldest Helen. Is going to die in 3 months with luck. Next week if the universe truly hates us all. So FUCK.
Why the hell is life such a cock up. My cousin 29 on Monday, two small girls, good career with a future, nice home, on her way to comfortable contentment after years of turmoiled crap. Not to fucking mention that her grandmother (My great Aunt) just had a double mastectomy for advanced breast cancer. AND Her grand father (My great uncle) is going in to the surgeon in three weeks to remove a tumor, which we do not know the state of right now.
WTF is this.
Why the hell is all this crumbling down on us in mmmm the span of 2 months. FUCKING ICING. Helen gets to find out a week EXACTLY before what may be her last birthday.
Needless to say we all are just fucked. I found out yesterday (Wednesday) after two days of Helen and her mom trying to figure out how to tell people.  I don't know how the fuck you mull this shit. Vicki (Helen's mom) She has the real honest fear that she may be alone, mother and father and child DEAD. Taking care of her grand children, their dad left them a when the youngest was still in the womb. So there is crying and sadness and attempts to feel better through distraction.
So I went over there yesterday and I am still here just not sleeping waiting. cooking. sitting. talking about anything else.
So no plan, no way to go, no way out.
Where do you turn  with this kind of thing.

Tuesday, January 31

Little Word

An unemployed man is desperate to support his family of a wife and three
He applies for a janitor's job at a large firm and easily passes an
aptitude test.

The human resources manager tells him, "You will be hired at minimum wage
of $5.35 an hour. Let me have your e-mail address so that we
can get you in the loop. Our system will automatically e-mail you all the
forms and advise you when to start and where to report on your first day."

Taken back, the man protests that he is poor and has neither a computer nor

an e-mail address.

To this the manager replies, "You must understand that to a company like
ours that means that you virtually do not exist. Without an
e-mail address you can hardly expect to be employed by a high-tech firm.
Good day."

Stunned, the man leaves not knowing where to turn and having $10 in his
wallet, he walks past a farmers' market and sees a stand selling 25 lb.
crates of beautiful red tomatoes. He buys a crate, carries it to a busy
corner and displays the tomatoes. In less than 2 hours he sells all the
tomatoes and makes 100% profit. Repeating the process several times more
that day, he ends up with almost $100 and arrives home that night with
several bags of groceries for his family.

During the night he decides to repeat the tomato business the next day. By
the end of the week he is getting up early every day and working into the
night. He multiplies his profits quickly.

Early in the second week he acquires a cart to transport several boxes of
tomatoes at a time, but before a month is up he sells the cart to buy a
broken-down pickup truck.

At the end of a year he owns three old trucks. His two sons have left their
neighborhood gangs to help him with the tomato business, his wife is buying
the tomatoes, and his daughter is taking night courses at the community
college so she can keep books for him.

By the end of the second year he has a dozen very nice used trucks and
employs fifteen previously unemployed people, all selling tomatoes. He
continues to work hard.

Time passes and at the end of the fifth year he owns a fleet of nice trucks
and a warehouse that his wife supervises, plus two tomato farms that the
boys manage. The tomato company's payroll has put hundreds of homeless and
jobless people to work. His daughter reports that the business grossed over
one million dollars.

Planning for the future, he decides to buy some life insurance.

Consulting with an insurance adviser, he picks an insurance plan to fit his
new circumstances. Then the adviser asks him for his e-mail
address in order to send the final documents electronically.

When the man replies that he doesn't have time to mess with a computer and
has no e-mail address, the insurance man is stunned,
"What, you don't have e-mail? No computer? No Internet? Just think where
you would be today if you'd had all of those five years ago!"

"Ha!" snorts the man. "If I'd had e-mail five years ago I would be sweeping
floors at Microsoft and making $5.35 an hour."

Which brings us to the moral of the story:

Since you got this story by internet, you're probably closer to being a
janitor than a millionaire.

Sadly, I received it also.

Saturday, January 28

The Truth

Saved and Single
                             - Author Unknown

                What makes you think that just because I am
                 an Attractive woman of Godly intelligence
                    That I'm incomplete without a mate?
                               Who told you
                               Without a man
                            Something's missing
                               From my life?
                                And if so,
                            What would that be?

                               I love myself
                           And more importantly
                              I love the Lord
                  He told me that when I delight in Him,
                  He will give me the desires of my heart
        I have everything I need according to His riches in glory.

                 Now, how's a man going to get to know me
              When he doesn't even know who he is in the Lord
              See my Father told me I'm above a ruby's worth
                          And a gem does not seek
                               It is sought

                  I'm single and that's all right with me

                   it's not that I oppose relationships
                     It's that I detest co-dependency
                                As a woman
                         I know it is not my role
                          To chase after any man

                                Esther 2:14
reads That I am to wait on my king and when he's delighted in me. He will
                            call me by my name.

         My Lord does not intend for me to be needy or desperate.
           I am to be Cherished, Relished, Valued, and Honored,
                      It's not my job to convince him
                          Or Convict him of that,
                       My mate will already know it
                         And consistently show it
                    And he will stay on his knees daily
                           Not just to adore me
                        But to praise the Lord for
                      The virtuous woman he has found
                       So, when you see me by myself
                               I'm not alone
                      I know what I have coming to me

       I'm single and saved, and right now that's all I need to be!
        Please forward this to all the women in your contacts list!
              Whether married or single it applies to us all!

Wednesday, January 25

Unbelievable SEX from a TEA

Yes people I said TEA as in hot water and a bag of herbs. Oh man. Well let’s begin at the beginning. A few weeks ago O got a bad cold. I usually get tea from this really nice Oriental store. OK so I went and to my tea but they has this sexual enhancement tea "for women". I got a box of that too. I was thinking that I may need a boost over the Valentines Day holiday if this cold was going to linger on and make me feel crappy the hole time. OK so I bought it and forgot all about it. My mom thought it was something to try out. So I put some in a zippy bag for her. I then put some of the get well tea in a bag for me to take to work. I grabbed my tea and left out for work. So I am at work drinking this tea. By the end of the day I am UNSPEAKABLY HORNY. My mind, being a rational person, is thinking man maybe the fact that I had some really good sex the night before just geared everything up to want more. So off to C's place I went for an evening of sweaty screaming hot fucking sex. I mean I wasn’t through the door ten minutes when I pounced upon his innocent sleeping body. Whipped off the blankets and feasted upon his prone form. I tell you it was great soft sensual, fast and furious, hard grinding sex; the best kind. And after an hour or so I drift off into my "After a hard evening of sex" coma.

I awaken the next morning refreshed and feeling pretty damn good except for some serious congestion. But happily I go to work. And again I am on the tea. And again I am off to C’s place that evening. Well needless to say I gave C my cold and he was feeling bad and not in the mood so we just shared the evening, dinner, and a little couples massage (which I secretly hoped would spark a little something, but it didn’t). My being a good worrying girlfriend I took care of him and took him to bed early so he would be able to go to work. So Wednesday comes along and I have run out of tea at work so I have to take to box with me because I didn’t’ have time to repack my little zippy. I get to C’s place and open up the bag to make him some tea to make him feel better.

And that is when it dawns on me. The little individually wrapped teabags look nothing like what I had been drinking all week. I was so surprised that I told C before it dawned on me that I was talking. He laughed so hard I thought he was going to make me hurt him a bit.

Well he has convinced me to post this oddly fortunate event.

What follows will be a picture of the box so that if you or anyone you know may need a little sexual pick-me-up. I am also planning to um sneak the “for men” version into Charles so that I can see if it works also.

More on that later

Yesterday I went back to the market and bought 2 more boxes just in case the stop carrying that brand.

HA - one can’t be too careful

Overly satisfied customer

Picture to come soon, as soon as I fugure out what is up with my digital camera.

Wednesday, January 18

Little Joke

A Brazilian

Donald Rumsfeld is giving the president his daily briefing.
He concludes by saying: "Yesterday, 3 Brazilian soldiers were killed."
"OH NO!" the President exclaims. "That's terrible!"
The president drops his head to the table and clutches it with his hands.
His staff sits stunned at this display of emotion, nervously watching the
Finally, the President looks up and asks, "How many is a brazillion?"

Monday, January 16


I do not wish to lose him. But it is taking him from me. I see the love in his eyes draining away as my happiness leaves me. I take to the bed in hopes of better tomorrow. He dose not understand it is not about him. No sun, hate my job, long commutes in grey dark mornings and dark slow nights. It is all too damn much for me at times and he can't handle it. I understand his inability. No one is really able to deal with depression of the one they love. He wants to make it all better, kiss the booboo and make it go away. Not really feasible at times but he is very good at cheering me up if it is not too bad. I wish I had something to tell him besides "I'm fine".


Winter blows, pills don't work, what the hell is a person to do.


Sitting in work,
Want to quit my job,
hate getting out of my warm bed,
No solution.

Money drives this world,
Must work for money,
Can't stand to be any more poor than a already am.

So I am stuck in this hell.

At least until I win the lottery.

Monday, January 9


OK if I have to hear one more over pledged white boy uttering "it's just the MAN bringing us down" I am going to snap. Just because you take your trust fund into Best Buy and buy and listen to rap music diving in your overly expensive sedan with heated seats and a CD player. NONE of you up bringing has anything to do with being kept down. You pompous over mussed, opinionated on topics you couldn't possibly know jack shit about, Fuck widget.
Now that that is out let me just say that I hate this job just as much as the last one and the new job hunt begins.
-Kay - living in a den of jack-assidy so deep that I am drowning