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Tuesday, May 9

Invisible Neighbor

Today there is a problem. We can all see the problems. We all overlook them and move on in your days expecting someone else to deal with the problem. SEP blindness. Someone Else's Problem. That is part of the problem. There was a time that children didn't disappear off the streets in droves, and no one has seen a thing. Evil doers used to be afraid to come into a neighborhood for fear that they would be seen as an outsider, someone who dose not belong. Now however most of us don't even know our neighbor. Hell I couldn't recognize my next-door neighbor if I say them at the grocer.  


It is a spreading difficulty. When I was a child we had "Block Parties" and Community center pools and recreation centers. Now they build these huge ass neighborhoods without even a pool for the kids or a playground.
Well we all need to go out and meet our neighbors this weekend. I am going to bake a cake for the new people and see if we can't get to know some new people.

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