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Wednesday, May 10

CHANGE not always bad

OK huge Life changes to be dealt with. I now have a child. OK not mine just attached to my life. My Charles has a daughter, Anne, who he now has full custody of. OK so now I am weekday mom. Until they get visitation thing settled I am mom for now. OK so I am trying to teach the child things that to me she should have learned a hell of a long time ago. Frustrating as hell but necessary if she is to function as an adult.


BUT the great thing is I haves me a little girl to have fun with. SO SHOPPING TIME has in sued. I have got all kinds of stuff. Now I know a lot of kids are not into some stuff but I went and got sewing stuff. Knitting stuff, cross-stitch, even some appliqué stuff. The only thing she likes is things that glitter. This is the Bling-Blinginest little white girl I have ever met. Not at all a bad thing. I pretty much went with things I likes that that I liked at that age and it is a hole lot of fun to be planning a trip back to childhood. You know just the planning of all this has done wonders for my attitude. I am a pissy depressed person who doesn't like upset, but you know what this has gone extremely well. Though it has made some serious concerns surface.


What do parents do with their "Adult toys"…. Especially when they look like everyday items. IE exercise balls. I didn't know that kids loved the damn things so much. And I am like HOLY SHIT… Gotta hide everything. But I guess the everyday crap is not that much of a problem. I am just dreading her getting old enough to be curious about the locked things but that is a blog for another day.


Right now I am having a ball. We are going to learn to cross-stitch this weekend.


Ya handy craft.



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