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Thursday, June 30

Well I might be crazy but I warn everyone coming in

There really are no words for the fact that a much of strangers got to see me kirk out today. I mean I have more then quadrupled the number of people alive who have seen me cry in my life in one horrid morning. FML
This morning I had the biggest mood swing of my life. I went from screaming vehement anger to broke down crying cause nothing was ever going to be good again. And I would be damned if someone was going to tell me to calm down or that it wasn't a big deal.... the car rental people messed up my reservation. No its not that big a deal but in the middle of the mood swing EVERYTHING is a big deal.  So I guess I made it though a winter without needing them. But moving in with my family and being busted back to the state I was in when I was 18 really needs the little blue pills. I have been thinking about it a minute the muscle pain has been getting worse not better as the weather warmed this year. Happy this is going to be a long weekend. I will take the time to ramp up onto the little blues and feel better about life in general next week.