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Wednesday, January 25

Unbelievable SEX from a TEA

Yes people I said TEA as in hot water and a bag of herbs. Oh man. Well let’s begin at the beginning. A few weeks ago O got a bad cold. I usually get tea from this really nice Oriental store. OK so I went and to my tea but they has this sexual enhancement tea "for women". I got a box of that too. I was thinking that I may need a boost over the Valentines Day holiday if this cold was going to linger on and make me feel crappy the hole time. OK so I bought it and forgot all about it. My mom thought it was something to try out. So I put some in a zippy bag for her. I then put some of the get well tea in a bag for me to take to work. I grabbed my tea and left out for work. So I am at work drinking this tea. By the end of the day I am UNSPEAKABLY HORNY. My mind, being a rational person, is thinking man maybe the fact that I had some really good sex the night before just geared everything up to want more. So off to C's place I went for an evening of sweaty screaming hot fucking sex. I mean I wasn’t through the door ten minutes when I pounced upon his innocent sleeping body. Whipped off the blankets and feasted upon his prone form. I tell you it was great soft sensual, fast and furious, hard grinding sex; the best kind. And after an hour or so I drift off into my "After a hard evening of sex" coma.

I awaken the next morning refreshed and feeling pretty damn good except for some serious congestion. But happily I go to work. And again I am on the tea. And again I am off to C’s place that evening. Well needless to say I gave C my cold and he was feeling bad and not in the mood so we just shared the evening, dinner, and a little couples massage (which I secretly hoped would spark a little something, but it didn’t). My being a good worrying girlfriend I took care of him and took him to bed early so he would be able to go to work. So Wednesday comes along and I have run out of tea at work so I have to take to box with me because I didn’t’ have time to repack my little zippy. I get to C’s place and open up the bag to make him some tea to make him feel better.

And that is when it dawns on me. The little individually wrapped teabags look nothing like what I had been drinking all week. I was so surprised that I told C before it dawned on me that I was talking. He laughed so hard I thought he was going to make me hurt him a bit.

Well he has convinced me to post this oddly fortunate event.

What follows will be a picture of the box so that if you or anyone you know may need a little sexual pick-me-up. I am also planning to um sneak the “for men” version into Charles so that I can see if it works also.

More on that later

Yesterday I went back to the market and bought 2 more boxes just in case the stop carrying that brand.

HA - one can’t be too careful

Overly satisfied customer

Picture to come soon, as soon as I fugure out what is up with my digital camera.

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