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Thursday, August 2


Guess what. I didn't ask you for a relationship. I didn't ask you to try to be my man. I didn't even ask you for sex or any kind of contact besides the friendship that you offered. WTF is your issue that you think you can tell me that I am too much trouble for anyone to be bothered with. Where do you get fucking nerve to say that kind of shit to me. What kind of friend is that. I am not psychic nor am I a mechanic. How is an alternator my fault for being careless. Well guess what when you loose you panel lights from a fuse how the hell am I supposed to know when the car is having problems. the speed and rpm hands work so I think the damn panel is fine. Nope there is a fuse for all the little hazard lights separate from the one for the gauges with hands. But its my fault and makes you think you are superior to me cause you have some car skills. FUCK OFF

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