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Thursday, August 4

very strange days

Sometimes I think the universe is testing me. So now I sit in limbo with a man I want. I don't mean I care for him. No I want him. to be happy and prosperous with or without me. I love this man. This oddly independent man who doesn't need me. I dont' know how to deal with a man who doesn't need me. How do you fit into some one's life who knows they don't need you. Well outside the bedroom that is. Can it all be based around our physical need for each other. I have no clue. question is can we work out a partnership based on mutual respect and feelings. I just don't know. I know I hate being without him. He reminds me to be grateful, not by saying anything, but just by being him. I feel taken care of even when he isn't doing anything. I feel understood even when I am not speaking. I feel loved by every look and rejoice in the touch of his skin.

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